Lamb Locker Order Form (All fields are mandatory) Contact Information Name: Phone: Email: Size of Lamb: WholeHalf Chop Thickness: 1.5 inches1 inchhalf an inch Chops/package (1-6): 123456 Roast weight (approx): 2 lb3 lb4 lb5 lb6 lb Ground Package Weight: 1 lb1.5 lb2 lb5 lb Save Bones yesno Cut styles: Lamb Shoulder TiedChopsRoastGrind Lamb Neck WholeCutGrind Lamb Shanks YesNo/GrindCracked Save Fat YesNo Lamb Breast YesNo/Grind Loin Chops YesNo Rack of Lamb ChopsFrenched Lamb Leg B/IB/SWholeHalfTied Additional Notes (optional)